Category: Piano maintenance

  • Direct (practical) experience using Music Sorb

    Direct (practical) experience using Music Sorb

    Data showing the dual buffering action of Music Sorb against humidity variation damage. Oregon in October is a month of relative humidity instability. Autumn days with thunder storms and hail in the summer…a perfect case for testing Music Sorb and how I can manage moisture inside my vertical piano. So I put Music Sorb into…

  • Pre-voicing

    When confronted by tone problems, many piano technicians seem overly anxious to find a quick remedy by using voicing needles or lacquer. Both needling and lacquering are important elements in the over-all voicing picture; a skilled technician must know when and how to use voicing needles, as well as how to prepare and use lacquer…

  • Grand Regulation — A checklist

    QUIZ Does regulating the jack height to the balancier affect the strength of the repetition spring? Does regulating the let-off affect the backcheck distance? Which of the following affect the amount of after-touch: key height, blow, jack alignment, jack height, let-off, drop, backcheck, repetition spring? Do you know for certain as a particular grand regulation…